
Thursday, February 11, 2010

PostHeaderIcon AT&T releases NBC Olympics app for Apple iPhone

One new feature to this years Olympic Games in Vancouver is the addition of online access. The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics were streamed in the U.S. by NBC. This allowed people to see events like badminton and archery in real time.

Today presents a new problem as NBC tries to shift big events into the primetime lineup. The world has become more connected over the last few years and with social media outlets like Twitter, Facebook, and Google News on most people's desktop there arises a problem of keeping the eyes on the late night airings of the days events.

Will you still watch an hour long event such as skiing if you already knew the results and saw clips online?

Probably not. Which is why NBC will be rolling out their online viewing again. Also available is a mobile App for the iPhone which includes real-time updates and video highlights.


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