
Monday, November 12, 2007

PostHeaderIcon Amanda Beard GoDaddy Shock Commercial

7-time Olympic medalist Amanda Beard will appear in a new GoDaddy Commercial flaunting her medals.

Amanda Beard made headlines not only for winning at the Olympics but for posing in Playboy in the off years.

Go Daddy, based in Scottsdale, has a reputation for racy ads, including some that were rejected for the Super Bowl.

The new ad, called Shock, also features Olympic gold medal swimmer Mark Spitz.

The ads will run during ESPN2's broadcast of the Virginia-Miami college football game. Go Daddy Group Inc. is sponsoring this season's Saturday Night College Football Primetime broadcasts.

Network censors limited one ad, which features the Olympic swimmer and Playboy cover girl opening her bathrobe poolside, to running only during the cable network's game broadcasts or on ABC-TV after 9 p.m., Go Daddy chief executive officer Bob Parsons said Wednesday.

Amanda Beard GoDaddy Shock Commercial


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